
This vignette provides useful technical documentation regarding the package’s internal API nomenclature as well as its technical design practices.


Functions are housed in the “R” directory and are organized into separate, distinguishable files utilizing the follwing naming procedures:

  • All functions should be named using an object_verb approach.

  • Functions are split into groups based on their usage and should fall into one of the following function groups:

  1. utils_: General utility/helper functions not related to shiny app

  2. app_: High-Level shiny app specific functions

  3. app_utils_: Utility functions specific to the shiny app

  4. mod_: App modules

  5. alloc: fundamental functions used in the allocation process

  6. meta_: package metadata

  7. data_: exported datasets

  8. dev_: internal package development functions

Note that additional ui and server prefixes/suffixes are added to filenames when a function is a combination of one of the above listings but relevant only to the user-interface or server logic of the shiny app. This helps distinguish lower-level application specific functions not directly related to a module nor relevant to both the UI and Server (i.e. app_utils_ui houses utility functions used solely in the UI such as flucol or icon_text).